Resource Hub

This section provides documents, website links, and other information to support you in developing and implementing your climate change project and funding application, and to learn more about the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund. Information found here is ever-evolving, so check back often.

Fund Program Supports

Resources developed specifically for the Fund to support applicants.

Applicant Guide
This document provides essential information about applying to the Fund, including the application questions and evaluation criteria. Please note that requirements and guidance may change between rounds.

View Guide

Webinars and Events
Live online webinars and slide decks, as well as in-person events, workshops and presentations.

View Webinars and Events

Applicant Workbook
This excel spreadsheet is part of the full application submission. Before completing this workbook, be sure your project has been pre-screened and you have access to the full application on Submittable.

View Applicant Workbook

Workbook: Adaptation Examples

Workbook: Mitigation Examples

Glossary of Terms
A list of technical climate change terms and other definitions used in Fund materials.

Read Glossary of Terms

Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions about the Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund.

Read FAQs

Vendors and Partners List
A crowd-sourced list of experts in Nova Scotia. (Note: this list has not been vetted or endorsed by the Fund).

View Vendors and Partners List

CLIMAtlantic facilitates access to data and information that supports adaptation to climate change in Atlantic Canada through collaboration, networking, and partnerships.

Green Municipal Fund
The Green Municipal Fund provides tools, webinars and case studies that are relevant to local governments as well as other organizations and institutions.

Indigenous Climate Hub Resources
The Indigenous Climate Hub resources include a robust database of reference materials, as well as case studies and risk assessments submitted by Indigenous communities.

Partners for Climate Protection
Partners for Climate Protection provides resources for municipal and community climate action, including a guide for integrating equity, diversity and inclusion.

Project Drawdown
Project Drawdown is an international organization, and offers solutions and resources for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a wide range of sectors and community contexts.

Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate
The NS Accessibility Directorate provides resources for hosting accessible online and in-person events, which may be valuable for projects with broad community involvement.